Join Us for an Insightful Webinar on the ARAIMFUSE Project! šŸŒ As the consortium leader, GMV is excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar on November 20th at 3 PM! Discover how the ARAIMFUSE project is paving the way…

T0+18 Milestone: Final Review

In September 26, the ARAIMFUSE project held its Final Review meeting at the JRC Ispra site, marking the conclusion of the 18-month project funded by the European Commission. The project was led by GMV with invaluable support from NLR and…

Cost and Benefits Analysis

For the ARAIMFUSE final milestone, the cost-benefit analysis was delivered. This analysis studies the rate of penetration of ARAIM solutions in the different sectors, considering three different types of scenarios (1:Certified, 2:Certified but not mandatory and 3:Certified and mandatory). Another…

Proof-of-Concept: Test Cases

As part of the ARAIMFUSE project, a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of the proposed ARAIM Evolutions for Rail, Maritime and UAVs is carried out. For that purpose, a Test Plan is proposed to conduct dedicated experimentation using different GNSS tools. A set…

T0+15 Milestone Post

In May 2024, the fifth Progress Meeting of the ARAIMFUSE project took place and was declared successful by the European Commission. In this milestone, one of the key deliverables was the ARAIM Evolution Cost and Benefit document. This document was…

T0+12 Milestone Post

In February 2024, the fourth Progress Meeting of the ARAIMFUSE project took place and was declared successful by the European Commission. In this milestone, one of the key deliverables was the ARAIM Evolution Safety Analysis document, devoted to the Safety…

UAVs long-term evolution

The following high-level ARAIM Evolution has been proposed to cover applications within the UAV User Sector for the long term: The incorporation of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) by means of the HAS, provides benefits in the form of: Benefits of…

Interviews and CBA activities

Within the framework of the ARAIMFUSE project, EY Belgium (formerly VVA Brussels) is conducting a stakeholdersā€™ consultation featuring two rounds of interviews focused on a Costs & Benefits Analysis regarding the adoption of ARAIM in Maritime, Rail and UAS. The…

UAVs short-term evolution

The following high-level ARAIM Evolution has been proposed to cover applications within the UAV User Sector for the short term: The hybridization of the navigation filter will be based on the combination of IMU measurements with augmented GNSS measurements. These…

T0+9 Milestone

In November 2023, the third Progress Meeting of the ARAIMFUSE project took place and was declared successful by the European Commission. In this milestone, one of the key deliverables was a document devoted to the Proof-Of-Concept (PoC) of the proposed…

Rail Evolution

The high-level view of the proposed ARAIM Evolution for Rail is depicted in the following figure. The train will be equipped with an On-Board Unit (OBU) including the following elements: The navigation data and observations from the GNSS satellites (GPS…

Maritime Long-term Evolution

For the long term, an enhanced ARAIM evolution is proposed for the maritime domain. The ship will be equipped with a GNSS receiver compatible with ARAIM and SBAS, and with an IMU. The navigation data and observations from the GNSS…

Maritime Short-Term Evolution

To support Maritime applications in the short term and the ARAIM introduction in Maritime Standards, an ARAIM concept without major evolutions is proposed. This concept relies in the following pillars: The high-level view of the proposed short term ARAIM Evolution…

Space4Innovation in Rail

On the 13th and 14th of September, the ARAIMFUSE team attended the Space4Innovation in Rail event. This collaborative event was spearheaded by the European Commission, the European Union’s Rail System Authority (ERA), the Europe Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail), the European…

Solutions proposed

In ARAIMFUSE project the objective is to develop the next steps of ARAIM (Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) for Rail, Maritime and UAS Sector. Next, an overview of the proposed evolutions for each sector is provided. Rail Sector For the…

T0+6 Milestone

In August 2023, the second Progress Meeting of the ARAIMFUSE project took place and was declared successful by the European Commission. In this milestone, one of the key deliverables was a document detailing the Local Errors Characterization and Model. This…

T0+3 Milestone

In May 2023, the first Progress Meeting of the ARAIMFUSE project took place and was declared successful by the European Commission. As part of this Milestone, among different deliverables, a document on the ARAIM Evolution Architecture was prepared. In this…

Meet the consortium (3/3): VVA

VVA (Valdani Vicari & Associati) is a European consulting company based in Milan and Brussels with an international team of professionals including economists, sociologists, political scientists, public policy experts, digital talents, specialists in marketing and market research. Across several sectors…

Meet the consortium (2/3): NLR

NLR The mission of the NLR (Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre) is making air operations and space exploration safer, more sustainable and more efficient. As a leading international research center, NLR covers the whole RDT&E (Research, Development, Test & Evaluation) range,…

Meet the consortium (1/3): GMV

GMV is a technological business group with an international presence that offers innovating solutions, services, and products to a wide range of sectors, based on in-depth knowledge of clientsā€™ needs. The employees, operational model, and values of GMV are aimed…


On the 10th of February 2023, the Kick-Oļ¬€ Meeting of the ARAIMFUSE project successfully took place remotely. The main objective of the project is to analyse the extension and evolution of the Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) concept for…


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