Cost and Benefits Analysis

For the ARAIMFUSE final milestone, the cost-benefit analysis was delivered. This analysis studies the rate of penetration of ARAIM solutions in the different sectors, considering three different types of scenarios (1:Certified, 2:Certified but not mandatory and 3:Certified and mandatory).

Another important part of the CBA was the computation of the Net Present Value (Discounted Benefits – Discounted Costs) per sector. After computing it, the main conclusions per sector are:


  • Equipment manufacturers: NPV expected to break even as costs are passed-on to the end-users and therefore recuperated as revenues.
  • Component and receiver manufacturers: will benefit the most from the revenues from the sales of ARAIM-enabled receivers.
  • End-users: the negative value is due to the choice of calculating the potential benefits for these stakeholders following a conservative approach based on the interested but “cautious” feedback from rail stakeholders on the introduction of ARAIM in the sector.
Category (timeframe 2024-2040)Components & Receivers manufacturers (k €)Equipment manufacturers (k €)End-users (k €)All stakeholders
(k €)
Net Present Value – Scenario 1N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
Net Present Value – Scenario 22.33971.35069.012
Net Present Value – Scenario 31.587115.611114.025


  • Equipment manufacturers: NPV expected to break even.
  • Component and receiver manufacturers: the comparative advantage of having ARAIM added on to their offering would lead to increased sales and revenue, ultimately covering the cost of development and certification.
  • End-users: would benefit most from the obligation of the use of ARAIM through an expected reduction in navigational incidents.
Category (timeframe 2024-2040)Components & Receivers manufacturers (k €)Equipment manufacturers (k €)End-users (k €)All stakeholders (k €)
Net Present Value – Scenario 143.180– 5.78737.393
Net Present Value – Scenario 243.180– 5.69937.482
Net Present Value – Scenario 3258.009 – 51.942206.066


  • Equipment manufacturers: NPV is slightly negative as their revenues have been spread over 10 years in the calculations, allowing a small gap with the cost due to the discount factor used to calculate the NPV. 
  • Component and receiver manufacturers: theoretically reach breakeven as well, for the same reason as equipment manufacturers.
  • End-users: benefits of the introduction of ARAIM-enabled receivers were calculated regarding safety-related and cost savings revenues for the parcel delivery market.
Category (timeframe 2024-2040)Components & Receivers manufacturers (k €)Equipment manufacturers (k €)End-users (k €)All stakeholders (k €)
Net Present Value – Scenario 1-3.538-3.5381.087.2441.080.168
Net Present Value – Scenario 2-1.916-1.9161.253.0881.249.256
Net Present Value – Scenario 3-1.916-1.9161.854.5371.850.705


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