Proof-of-Concept: Test Cases

As part of the ARAIMFUSE project, a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of the proposed ARAIM Evolutions for Rail, Maritime and UAVs is carried out. For that purpose, a Test Plan is proposed to conduct dedicated experimentation using different GNSS tools.

A set of Test Cases with associated Test Procedures and scenarios is proposed:

Test Case IdTitlePurpose
TC-01 to TC-05Protection Levels and Availability Performances for Maritime, Rail and UAVs.To assess the protection levels and availability performances of Short Term ARAIM Evolution for Maritime.
TC-06 to TC-08Sensitivity Analysis to ISD Parameters for Maritime, Rail and UAVs.To test the sensitivity of the ARAIM performances varying key Integrity Support Data (ISD) parameters of ARAIM Evolution for Rail.
TC-09 to TC-11FDE Test and assessment of integrity for Maritime, Rail and UAVs.To assess the FDE capabilities and the integrity of ARAIM Evolution for Rail.
Test Cases

The objective of the PoC is to demonstrate by means of simulations that the evolutions of the ARAIM concept can meet the user needs. In addition, the simulations to be conducted in the PoC help to fine-tune the proposed ARAIM Evolutions. For these reasons, the PoC is to be conducted in four phases as detailed in the following figure:

PoC Experimentation Phases.


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