In November 2023, the third Progress Meeting of the ARAIMFUSE project took place and was declared successful by the European Commission.
In this milestone, one of the key deliverables was a document devoted to the Proof-Of-Concept (PoC) of the proposed ARAIM Evolutions for Rail, Maritime and UAVs. First, a Test Plan is proposed to conduct a dedicated experimentation using different GNSS tools. A set of Test Cases with associated Test Procedures and Scenarios are proposed.
In addition, an assessment of the fulfilment of the user needs of non-aviation applications with the ARAIM Evolutions is provided to assess the coverage of the Rail, Maritime and UAVs applications. The performance results of the ARAIM Evolutions proposed in ARAIMFUSE are compared to the performance achievable with the original ARAIM concept for Aviation and with the ARAIM Evolutions proposed in ARAIMTOO project to assess the added value of the improvements proposed in ARAIMFUSE project.