UAVs long-term evolution

The following high-level ARAIM Evolution has been proposed to cover applications within the UAV User Sector for the long term:

  • Multi-frequency, multi-constellation GNSS measurements.
  • Use of precise point positioning (PPP) in combination with ARAIM using Galileo HAS.
  • Hybridization with IMU.
  • The use of ISM.
High-level overview of long-term ARAIM Evolution for UAV

The incorporation of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) by means of the HAS, provides benefits in the form of:

  • Higher accuracy achieved through the use of a PPP algorithm and corrections.
  • Free of charge PPP corrections with Galileo HAS, covering both Galileo and GPS.
  • Possibility to expand to other constellations through IGS products.

Benefits of hybridization with an IMU are:

  • Higher frequency PNT output which will result in higher continuity and availability.
  • Higher accuracy and tighter Protection Limits.
  • Robustness to variations in GNSS signal quality, high user dynamics and to an extent to user environment such as multipath.
  • Satellite (re)acquisition time can be reduced by implementing IMU measurements in the processing loop.

The use of more than two satellite constellations provides the following benefits:

  • More usable satellites in view, which is especially important in urban areas, will result in tighter integrity bounds and higher availability and continuity.


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